International Network for Slavonic Cooperation
Dear Visitor,
Welcome to the SLAVONIC EUROPE website!
I am glad to present to you our new Slavonic network in Brussels, which aims at giving the floor to all Slavonic nations and all Slavs worldwide. Never before such an undertaking has been launched to encourage the Slavonic togetherness on cultural grounds and set up a platform for an innovative new East-West dialogue. This should constitute a substantial contribution to the consolidation of Mid- and Eastern Europe – and thus a contribution to the cohesion of the whole European continent.
The SLAVONIC EUROPE approach is a new and a long overdue one: Integration by cultural consolidation. It is a bottom-up exercise histrorically justified and logically structured underpinned by plausible and natural propensities. It desires to contribute to something, which became a scarce and critical good in Europe: Personal attraction and emotional devotion.
Europe can be a strong and at the same time diversified continent – if we have courage! SLAVONIC EUROPE seeks to find the strength and richness again, which characterised and distinguished the European continent for such a long time, by giving an example of a way forward: A way without fear marked by stamina and creativity.
I invite you to have a look on our website and join our movement!
Hearty greetings